Water meters
The VALTEC water meters are well-known in the utility equipment market in Russia as dependable and highly accurate. The VALTEC catalogue includes universal domestic VLF meters for cold and hot water supplies of nominal pressure up to 16 bar and water temperature from 5 to 90°C. The VALTEC water meters can be characterised as highly accurate, having extended life, not requiring power supply and are supplied with connectors and valves (only for 1/2" models) in the package (in case if the consumer already has the components, he can buy a package without connectors). For the management companies it is important have the meters protected against external alterations of readings using a magnetic field, as well as models with impulse outlet, which provides the opportunity to remotely conduct meter reading. The VALTEC water meters are certified as per GOST R system and are permitted for use in drinking water supply lines.