Heat meters
The share of heating costs in your utility bills is rising by the year for the last few years. Nowadays the charges for heat are the greatest part of your monthly utility services bill. At the same time, as in other cases, when the calculation is not based on the amount of factual consumption, but is carried-out as per the set standards of per capita use, the consumer has to pay a lot of extra money (consumer’s bill shifts the costs of lost heat during transportation and many other aspects of expenditure on to the consumer). On the other hand the absence of individual measurement of heat consumption strips the consumer of any stimulus for saving energy; therefore a shift to charging as per the readings of relevant devices (meters) is considered as the state’s general goal. The latest domestic heat meters are compact and accurate; enabling the organization of accounting of heat consumption in case of presence of a separate input of the heating system (such systems are horizontal and are frequently added to the building design in case of construction of new apartment blocks). The heat consumption calculator in the meter is a multifunctional electronic device, which carries-out processing and storage of readings and enables the remote reading of meter.