Mixing valves
Mixing the heating medium of differing temperatures from two valves (in heating it is normally the feed and return lines), the mixing valve helps obtain a flow of a predetermined level of heat. At the same time its temperature can be regulated by changing the ratio of hot and cold liquids. In some circuits such valves are used to separate flows. The three-step mixing valve is necessary, for example, in case of setting-up heated floor and production of hot water using a high-temperature heating medium running in the heating circuit. The four-step valves help in forming two regulated contours in the circuit with their own temperature parameters. This is particularly done to protect the geysers (boilers) against low temperatures in the return line. The mixing valves can be controlled manually as well as by a servo motor. The maintenance of a set temperature in the hot water circuit (to protect against burns) is provided by a thermostatic mixing valve. The VALTEC range of regulatory fittings includes mixing valves for all possible uses, made of high-quality materials. The heating circuit valves are made to withstand working temperatures of up to 120°C and working pressures of up to 10 bar. Average total life: 20 or 25 years, depending on the model.