Ball valves for gas
The VALTEC VALGAS ball valves are certified (permission by ROTECHNADZOR [Russian Technical Inspectorate] № PPC 00-40535 dated 4 October 2010) for use in supply lines carrying natural and liquefied petroleum gases under low and medium pressures. Apart from that these valves can also be used in hot and cold water supplies, compressed air, liquefied hydrocarbons transport systems. The material of seat rings and gaskets in VALGAS ball valves: Teflon with graphite additives and viton (FPM), accordingly. These valves are specifically resistant to essential oils, which are present in gaseous media. Stem sealing: two-fold. The outer surface of the body and stem are nickel-plated, whereas the ball gate has chrome-plating. The handle has a self-locking nut with integrated polyolefin ring. The VALTEC VALGAS ball valves are meant for operations under temperatures ranging from -15 to +60 (for gas) and up to +130 °С. Maximum working-pressure for gas: 3 bar. Nominal pressure for water: 40 bar. Average total life: 12 thousand cycles.