Metal-polymer (Metal-plastic) pipes
Having all the positive advantages of plastic pipes (no moss growth, corrosion resistant, easy to transport etc), the metal-plastic pipes (metal-polymer pipes) offer high strength and ability to retain shape, in which the plumber moulds it. The mounting of metal-polymer pipes requires lot less fittings and fixtures than the mounting of pipes made of other materials. Except for that the metal-polymer pipes have relatively low coefficient of linear heat extension and can be laid in concrete overlay. The walls of the metal-polymer pipes do not conduct oxygen molecules. The VALTEC metal-polymer pipes are meant for circuits of water supply, including drinking water, heating, cooling, transport of hydrocarbon fuels and food and non-food products during the technological processes. The inner and the outer layers of the VALTEC pipes are made of polyethylene PEX-b with 65% level of crossing. The material for the metallic part: pure aluminium of thickness 0.25, 0.3 or 0.4 mm, depending on the dimensions of the pipe. The aluminium is welded at the seam in inert gas medium, which provides for highly dependable stitch (crossing) and absolutely correct geometrical form of the pipe. The strength of the glued joint of the layers of VLATEC pipes is almost five times higher than the required level. The absence of stratification of pipes in case of repeated temperature fluctuation is guaranteed. The VALTEC metal-polymer pipes are certified by the SRI of Sanitary wear. Under working pressure of 10 bar the maximum working temperature for them is 95°C; the pipes conform to the 5th operational class as per GOST R 53630 (high-temperature radiator heating). The rise in temperature of the working medium up to 130°C is permissible for short intervals of time. The lifespan of VALTEC metal-plastic pipes, in case of use as per the manufacturer’s instructions and under the recommended conditions: no less than 50 years.