Polypropylene pipe installation tools
The VALTEC strategy: supply of utility sanitary fittings on “Turnkey” basis. Along with pipes, fittings and connectors the consumer has the opportunity to buy everything required for installation and repair of pipelines. The designers and producers of VALTEC tools have done everything possible to make the installation process simple, excluding chances of mistakes. Our product line lets you select the set of tools that you need in your case. This way the consumer has a chance to buy the one or the other pipe welding kit, not overpaying for higher than needed power of welding machine, jaws of unwanted sizes or to buy the tools, which he already has. The installation of polypropylene pipes using our equipment is quite simple. But if you have not worked with polypropylene pipes before this, we recommend the printed and video materials for your consultation. These training (support) materials are posted on our site.