Construction materials for water heated floors
The most commonly used method of setting-up a heated floor is to mount the heating pipes into the concrete overlay. The pipes are laid on heatproof underlay. The VALTEC heat-insulation for heated floors comprises of a combinational material made of a 3mm cellular polyethylene layer and metalized polyethylene-terephthalate film. The cellular polyethylene layer reduces heat loss, whereas the metalized coating evenly distributes it from the heating pipes over the whole surface of the floor, protecting the plaster and floor coverings against local overheating (burning). The polymer film nicely protects the metalized coating against the adverse effects of corrosive construction materials (concrete, cement, gypsum and lime). The thinness of the combinational material helps reduce the overall thickness of the heated floor structure. For the ease of installation the material from the side of the film is marked with coordinates in the shape squares of VALTEC logo. For water heated floor systems, which are assembled (without the need for concrete coating), the VALTEC range was extended with heat-distributing plates. The use of these plates simplifies the installation of water heated floor in wooden houses, during reconstruction, in case of limited premises height and in other cases, when installation of concrete coated floor heating system is either impossible or more costly. The VALTEC sales personnel are ready to offer other materials, necessary for heated floor installation: damping tape and plasticizer, to our customers. The tape is used to compensate for heat caused expansion of the concrete layer and reduction in heat loss through the premises walls and the addition of the plasticizer in the mortar protects the coating against cracking in case of heating or cooling.