Domestic stations
Taking into consideration the latest trends in water and heat supply in apartment buildings, the VALTEC engineers developed and introduced domestic stations (domestic heating points) under the VALETC CONTROL range of products. Each station includes a new generation modular set, adapted for integration into the automated system of remote transfer of metering data M-Bus and provides for the configuration of the optimum parameters of the used resources. The VALTEC CONTROL domestic station is a financially efficient energy metering system. The reading of consumption of water and heat-energy used for heating (in model CONTROL SAT and for the preparation of HWS) is provided by the meters with impulse terminals. The results of the readings are transferred from them to the office of the service provider in real-time mode using the system of collection of data, M-Bus. The station’s dimensions allow it’s fitting in the bathroom or outside, depending on the location of the main lines and the building’s design. The use of domestic stations (heat points) for heating systems and water supply enables the overall solution to the problem of installation of heat and water metering devices I the apartments. The stations provide for the connection of the apartment to the main lines of heating and water supply, climate control in the apartment and optimization of consumption of heat energy. The stations are supplied in fully assembled form.