VALTEC | For installation and reair
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For installation and reair

Let us draw attention of professionals and users to availability in VALTEC assortment of VTr.801 and 803 fittings for connection of steel pipes, as well as of repair clamp VTr.754.

Brass nickeled fittings of VTr.800 series are designed for crimp connection of steel gas-and-water pipes which transport water with the temperature up to 90 °С and pressure up to 8 Bar. Installation of the connectors is carried out using two wrenches.

VTr.754 brass repair clamp is purposed for elimination of local leakages in steel, polyethylene, polypropylene and metal-polymer pile circuits. The article is composed of two semi- holders which, when contracted with screws, create force crimping of the defective section of the pipe circuit using the attached EPDM sealing. The clamps may be used at the pressure of the operation environment up to 16 Bar and temperature up to 110 °С.

At present, VALTEC company has developed production of VTr.803 and 801 connectors for pipes with the dimensions of 1/2, 3/4, 1, 1 1/4". VTr.754 repair clamps are manufactured for the standard of gas-and-water pipes as per GOST 3262 for nominal diameters of 1/2, 3/4, 1".