VALTEC | Novelty for radiators
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  • Novelty for radiators

Novelty for radiators

VALTEC Company announces replenishment of its range of radiator pipeline fittings with thermostatic valve VT.180.NER.

Peculiarities of the novelty is the axial control, presetting function, additional sealing of the nozzle with male thread 1/2" and switch to “eurocone ". It ensures more precise control when installing a thermostatic head: it is outside the area of influence of heat flows from the radiator and feed pipes, there is the possibility to refuse installation of a setting valve, use of additional sealants during installation, as well as allows use crimp fittings of "eurocone" standard when connecting the pipes.

Thermostatic angular valve with axis control, presetting and an additional sealing VT.180.NER is available for shipment in the warehouses of our company.