VALTEC | TCY ultrasonic heat meter
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  • TCY ultrasonic heat meter

TCY ultrasonic heat meter

Dear partners! VALTEC presents to your attention TCY ultrasonic heat meter.

The novelty is designed for commercial metering of heat energy consumption and, besides measuring, performs processing and displaying of the information about the amount of heat consumed, temperature and heating medium consumption, as well as of other data related to operation of water heating system of individual consumers.

The field of application of the heat meter is closed apartment heating systems with the operating pressure of not more than 1.6 MPa and heating medium temperature of not more than 95 °C.

The heat meter is capable of transmitting the measured values using various communication interfaces, which makes possible its use in automated utility metering system (AUMS).

    The following TCY models with wired communication interfaces are currently available:
  • pulse (for 2 outputs);
  • RS-485 (ModBus exchange protocol);
  • M-Bus (M-Bus exchange protocol).

The company plans to produce models with wireless interfaces of wM-Bus, LoRaWAN and NB IoT standards.

The devices are manufactured in two modifications: for installation on the supply and return pipelines.

The TCY ultrasonic heat meter ensures high measurement accuracy throughout the entire service life, while requiring the minimum maintenance.

The average full service life of the product is at least 12 years.