VALTEC | Attention, novelty!
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  • Attention, novelty!

Attention, novelty!

In the range of VALTEC control valves there is a novelty, an automatic differential pressure regulator VT.040.

Automatic differential pressure regulator is equipped with shut-off valve allows automatic balancing of two-pipe heating systems with variable flow of coolant. The installation of such valves is perfect for systems equipped with radiator thermostatics, since they automatically equalize the pressure drop when the consumption is reduced or disconnected from any consumers while maintaining the hydraulic stability of the system in general.

The shut-off valve is adjusted to the design flow rate, and the regulator maintains a differential if the flow rate is changed.

The regulator is installed on the return pipe, the shut-off valve is installed on the supplying pipe.

The automatic regulator and shut-off valve are supplied to the insulation of expanded polystyrene.