Cut-off valve

(VT.539.N) The cut-off valve is used to enable the installation or uninstallation of the automatic air-vent VT.502, without circuit discharge. This item comprises of a nickel-plated brass body, plastic spindle and rubber gasket. The spindle is held in the upright position with the help of stainless-steel spring. The valve is installed in the circuit before the air-vent.

    The main differences between VT.539.N.04 and VT.539.NO.04 valves: 
  • VT.539.NO.04 valve body is marked with a logo and data on PN and DN. 
  • The circular cross-section of VT.539.NO.04 valve O-ring on the male thread side. 
  • VT.539.NO.04 valve is universal and compatible with all piping elements, including the inside chamfer, while VT.539.N.04 model, in particular, is not compatible with stainless steel collectors.

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* Prices shown are recommended retail prices by the manufacturer

