VALTEC | Aqua-Therm Moscow-2016
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  • Aqua-Therm Moscow-2016

Aqua-Therm Moscow-2016

From the 2nd to the 5th of February, the 20th International Specialized Exhibition “Aqua-Therm Moscow-2016” took place at the IEC “Crocus Expo”, which is the major exhibition for the Russian market of heating, water-supply, ventilation and air-conditioning equipment.

652 companies from 27 countries took place in the anniversary exhibition. Global recession orients companies towards a serious struggle for maintenance and strengthening of their positions at the Russian market in spite of unfavorable political situation. Supported by the state and by national industrial and commercial organizations, German manufacturers have increased the area of their exhibition pavilion by 40%, while the display area of Italian companies made more than 1800 sq. m. The number of new participants of the exhibition exceeded 150, while the amount of visitors became less: if they made more than 27 thousand in 2015, in 2016 this number made 26.4 thousand. That is, one had to work in the conditions of the grown competition.

The challenge to attract potential clients to the exhibition stand of VALTEC was solved already at the approaches to the exhibition: glossy advertisements meet the visitors just at the exit from the underground and parking. “Are you still in search?”, “Looking for something new?”, “Our offers have become even more interesting!”. These and other slogans have contributed to the last-year motto “Looking for dependable partner”?, which has not lost its actuality.

Already for several years VALTEC does not change the location of its stand right opposite the entrance to the main hall of the exhibition pavilion. Besides it is comfortable for the clients, such stability underlines solid position of the company. The partners already had the opportunity to evaluate its reliability in the conditions of external economic perturbations.

The core audience of Aqua-Therm Moscow exhibition consists of professionals: technical specialists and management of companies dealing with design, erection and operation of engineering equipment, as well as with its sale and supply. They are surely interested in technical side of each exposition. But very few companies are capable of satisfying this interest.

The specialists of VALTEC technical department are year on year “trifling” their colleagues with interesting design boons, new operating models if heating and water supply systems and with novelties in specialized literature.

Highly developed infrastructure and informational content of VALTEC exposition the opportunity not only to learn as much as possible about the offered equipment during a rather brief period of time, to evaluate the level and fabricability of the presented products, but also to learn something new in their professional sphere.

Together with the stands already known by the previous exhibition: “Domestic stations”, “Water heated floor systems” and “Dispatching systems”, in 2016 the visitors were shown a new active functional stand “Variants of domestic heating systems” and a model of automatic equipment, which allows observation of changes in the working parameters of the system operated by weather-dependable controller. A new part of the exhibition is a section which demonstrates variants of radiator connection in case of floor level joining of heating system, with the attached specification and cost of every scheme of radiator plumbing (only components of actual assortment are used).

VALTEC shows a vast range of new products at Aqua-Therm Moscow already for several years. Its emerging was preceded by works on analysis of the needs of users and assemblers and by a search of new solutions.

This time, a leaflet “News of VALTEC” published on the occasion of the exhibitions contains about forty new sections, which represent some 60 new and modernized commercial positions. A part of them has already been introduced into the assortment.

As it used to happen in previous years, designers managed to surprise their colleagues with an unexpected technical solution. In 2016, such novelty is a brass invertor for mechanical cleaning Y-filters. Its use allows using “mud collectors” on vertical pipe circuits when the water is fed from underneath, without installation of a horizontal section, as well as exclusion of mud accumulation in the pipe in case of incorrect filter installation (with the bulb up) without its remounting.

One more innovation implemented where one can hardly invent something new is equipment of VT.195. N Y-filter with a cap instead of a twisted-in plug. The filter bulb of this novelty has male and not female thread. Penetration of working medium and finest mud is excluded, which means that the possibility is excluded of cap sticking. (The situation when it is a problem to unscrew a filter plug is quite wide-spread). The filter differs from its “companions” with a larger angle between bulb and pipeline axes (60 instead of 45°), which increases purification efficiency due to increase of flow turbulence in the bulb.

One more technical novelty which appearance will surely be interesting for management companies of apartment houses is a water meter with pulse output VLF-C. It has been designed for direct connection to the radio converter of pulses of VALTEC CASCAD wireless dispatching system. The scheme of the pulse device includes a sealed contact for indication of magnetic field impact on the meter. In case of its actuation, the dispatcher comes to know about an attempt of manipulation.

New models of combined fittings which are going on sale this year are a valve with drainage and reverse valve VT.248, a valve with cap-nut VT. 241, a union pipe with shut-off device with a drainage valve Vtr.537, a valve with a straight filter and upper position of the handle VT.294H and a boiler safety group VT.461. the latter of the listed articles is introduced into the product line for the purpose of guaranteeing sound protection of the electric heater against excess of safe pressure (in the vast majority of cases, safety groups used nowadays are not designed for that as they do not have enough vapor carrying capacity). The interest to this novelty at the exhibition confirms its high actuality.

Automatic valve VT.PICV has also caused vivid interest of the colleagues which is mounted on the stand-pipe or on horizontal branches of single-pipe heating systems for maintenance of permanent heating media consumption. Its use excludes the necessity of additional system balancing and significantly reduces the intensity of design and pre-commissioning activities. The peculiarity of this stabilizer is use of replacement adjusting cartridges. If system hydraulics is changed, it is enough to substitute the cartridge without taking the stabilizer body from the pipeline.

Visitors of Aqua-Therm Moscow-2016 were also shown a VT.VSB circulation pump with a wet rotor for DHW systems, VT. ACC10 rotational servomotor with the incorporated controller VT. ACC10, CONTROL MODUL P modernized domestic station, IC BOX-4 thermostatic assembly kit and other products (see more details in the leaflet “Novelties of VALTEC 2016”). Among important modifications in the structure of actual product line one should mention modernization of VT. COMBI unit and equipment of circulation pumps of VT.VRS series with incorporated overheating protection.

Favorable reports about novelties of 2015 are also worth mentioning. In this relation, VHM-T domestic heat meter and VT.037.N and VT.038.N thermostatic radiator valves with presetting were referred to.

Popularity of VALTEC brand is based not only on price policy loyal to buyers, actuality, quality and wide range of products, but also a well-built system of technical assistance.

A great number of specialist use free editions and programs by VALTEC. Besides the above mentioned leaflet “Novelties of 2016”, the library of the company has been joined by a digest “Articles of VALTEC technical specialists-2016” and by a leaflet “Domestic recording of heat an water”, which have been offered to the clients at the exhibition.

By the beginning of 2016, technical department of the company had prepared or updated the “Album of step-by-step design of single-family house heating systems” and “Guidance on design, erection and use of cold and hot water supply systems and heating system with the use of VALTEC metal-polymer pipe circuits”.

This year VALTEC printed pricelist has been completed with technical characteristics of products. The volume of the edition has reached 224 pages.

In 2015, the range of VALTEC calculation programs was completed with programs VALTEC C.O. 3.8 (design of heating systems) and VALTEC H2O 1.6 (design of water supply systems). To receive consultations on how to use them, and how to use VALTEC.PRG framework program for calculation of engineering systems, a working place of a specialist in the sphere of these products has been organized at the stand (all of them are free accessible at our site: See section “Programs”). The colleagues readily used the provided opportunity.

At the last exhibition, the start of gradual transition from 7 to 10-year guarantee on majority of products in the catalogue was announced. The conditions for such transition became successful operating experience, failure statistics and longevity tests of the products. By the beginning of 2016, warranty period of 20 years covered approximately 75% of VALTEC articles, and some equipment enjoyed 15-year guarantee.

Aqua-Therm Moscow-2016 exhibition was on the whole successful. Apart from meetings with key clients, new promising contacts have emerged. The prepared novelties created due impression and have already become well-known at the market. The guests have received necessary information, evaluated competence and benevolence of the team at the stand. Once again VALTEC has proved its reputation of a modern and serious brand occupying stable position among the market leaders.

We thank everyone, who visited our stand!

If you are still in search: it’s time to work and gain with VALTEC!